Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Story Part 2: My Dad, the Duck, and the Goose

There are people in our lives that create a boundless humor with their priceless actions. The situations that they get into and the steps taken to escape it. In my life, the person that upheld these qualities was my father.
The crowd cheered with screams of spectators and the beating of the thunder sticks. Hawaii down by five points had fought back to take the lead with kills and outstanding blocks. The game finished at the half as Hawaii pulled away two games to one.
The stands began to filter out to use the bathroom and get more food into their gurgling stomachs. My grandfather was a smart man and decided to use the restroom before the mile long line formed outside. Unfortunately, my father was not as smart, for he was only seven , and he needed to go to empty out the tank. He told my grandfather and sprinted down the long flight of stairs of the Stan Sheriff Center. When he reached his destination he jolted into the first open stall without even shutting the door. Luckily my grandfather caught up with him and shut the door behind him. With all the excitement of trying to catch up to my dad, my grandpa had to use the bathroom as well.
My dad finished and my grandfather had begun tocomplete his business when my dad crawled underneath the stall door. He yelled from outside " I remember where our seats are!", and vanished. My grandfather yelled" Get back here!" but the only responses were the deep flushing of the toilets, running water of the sinks, and ripping of those rough, brown towels.
My dad continued on his journey as he saw the ice cream stands, trays of nachos, volleyball souveneirs, and a lot of people wearing green. Within a few minutes, the hairs on the back of his neck straightened and he began to feel the sensation of becoming lost. Sweat arrived on his forehead and it trickled down until it hit the stone floor. He closed his eyes and thought to himself that he wasn't lost anymore.
When he opened his eyes he was sorrounded by giant green trees full of voice, laughter, and movement. There was also stands piling ontop of shelves. The shelves flowed with candies of all sorts and kinds that could fill you with happiness.
As he continued to walk through the hustle and bustle of those noisy trees, he came to a giant cave. he had a sense that this cave would would take him back home. My dad was shaking with fear and closed his eyes to visualize a happy place. His body began to change into an animal full of courage, a tiger.
He prowled with caution through the dark, moist cave nd saw a bright light at the end. The light shone forth blinding him and he turned back into his old self. He looked around and saw a huge arena soorounded by crazed indians screaming, yelling, and waving sticks that made thunder. In the center there was giants hitting a boulder over a large net of vines.
My father wished that he could have powers to return home and he began to glow as he turned into a wizard with a gold wand. He swooshed his wand and everything began to become swirly and dizzy until it went dark.
When he opened his eyes he was back into reality. My dad was standing right in front of his seat section so he galloped into the doorway. As he was rushing past the attentive spectators he tapped their heads with his wand and they turned into ducks and geese. Finally he reached his parents and gave them a gigantic hug so te people turned back into humans and he was finally back into true reality.
When the game ended, he walked outside and to his amazement there was a duck waddling by, and as it made it's way past my father it gave a wink.

Essential Question: What will make me successful and happy in life?

In order for me to be happy and successful in life I must follow and accompolish in my dreams. Working hard and persevering throughout tough times is what I have to do to also reach success. Happiness comes with being successful and successfulness comes with being happy. Everything in my life must have a meaning and must be used to it's fullest.
The dreams that I have is to first off make it into Stanford University with a scholarship from judo, wrestling, and maybe something academic. I want to graduate with my PhD in either optometry or dentistry and return to Hawaii after that.
Once I establish a business in Hawaii, I will be looking forward to help people that need it. I will create a plan that ensures anyone over the age of 65 will get a free check-up. This will occur twice every month and this will make me burst with happiness.
Of couse, I'm also going to need to find someone that I can spend the rest if my life with. After I make enough money, I'm going to buy a good sized house and furnish it. In this house, I need someone who can always be there for me, always care for me, and always love me. When I find this person I know deep inside I will truly be happy because I was successful with my life.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Family Story: PART 1

There is always one person in a family that makes life interesting for all. In my family it was my father who had made the humor flow throughout their lives. M grandmother would tel me many stories about my father but there was only one that stood out from all the rest.
He was about seven or eight years old and he went to a volleyball game with his parents. It was half time and he really needed to use the bathroom so they went. He and his dad went in the same stall together and my dad finished first so he crawled underneath the door. My grandfather yelled " Come back here, right now!" But my father told him that he remebered where the seats were. When his dad returned, he was no where to be found. His mother screamed "Where is he?" At the opposite end of the row, there he was just standing and waving back at his parents. His mom told him to get back here, so as he came through the row he was tapping the heads of the people in front of him. While he was tapping the heads of the unsuspecting spectators he was calling out " Duck, Duck, Goose!"

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Who Am I ?

I am a person with a great passion to fill people with happiness. It flows throughout my veins and stays in my heart. Another characteristics is my selfish ambition, to become the best I can be. One of my favorite authors wrote " If you never try, how far do you possibly think you can go in life?" My belief is that you should give your best in everything that you set your mind towards because in the long run it will eventually pay off. An ironic thing is that I'm also soft hearted and I can be engulfed with guilt in an instant. My family says that I'm just like my great grandmother who is generous, hardworking, and who persevered throughout the hardships of the Pearl Harbor bombing. I am a person who still has yet to find out who I truly am.

The Purpose of Blogging

Communcation is one of the most important assets to become a stronger person throughout life. This component is what brings together all of the unique people of the world to understand one another without using violence. To me this blog is just another way to be able to communicate with classmates, teachers, and people from around the globe. It can also be used to teach a different culture what we are in our culture. Blogging can be used to express opinions and information that we find important to share. It can also be used to open up and provide readers with a sense of who this person is. A blog has many different functions that intertwine to create a bridge that extends from one person to another which can make them appreciate who we truly are.