Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Midsummer Nights Dream Act 4 Scene 1

It started with Bottom being slaved over by the fairy servants. Bottom was taking advantage over Titania's love but it didn't matter to Titania. While Bottom was living in luxury, Oberon was feeling depressed over how his wife was in love with a creature so vile and disgusting. After Titania fals asleep, Oberon decides to place the love remedy back into her eyes to erase her love for Bottom. Titania awakes and sees that Oberon has rid her of her curse and she falls back in love with him naturally. They dance the night away with no angry words or insults. As morning approached the young lovers were found by Theseus, who was taking a nice stroll with his wife on his wedding day. After hearing their tale he decided to allow each, Lysander and Hermia, and Demetrius and Helena to become married to each other.

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